3PL Clients

P4 Warehouse 3PL Clieents / Multi Company

If you plan to use either multi-company or 3PL Client, you need to setup the 3PL screens first!

On this screen you will see a list of either 3PL clients or Multi Company, below we will detail the step to determine if the Company is 3PL or Multi Company.

In P4 Warehouse a client is either a 3PL client or a Multi Company Client, and Customer refers to clients you ship product to.

On this screen you can either click the New button or click the company name to edit an existing client.

In the screen about enter the company name, a description and the company's 7-9 digit SSCC Company id. Then Click Submit, this will create the 3PL / multi-Company client. The screen will now show you a list of clients, click the client's name in the list.

The screen below enables the core difference between multi-company and 3PL Client. If the "Enabled Billing" option has been selected then this becomes a 3PL client.

3PL Billing

Once the Enable billing box is selected the Client becomes a billable 3PL Client. By leaving this box unchecked the client behaves as multi-company.

Current Period: will show you charges from the last invoice to the current date.

Billing Cycle is Monthly, Bi-weekly or weekly.

Billing Cycle start: determines the starting date for invoicing, this is set once and will automatically update as invoices are created.

Auto-Post: If selected, the invoice will be posted and the email sent to the client, by leaving unchecked the invoices will be created in draft and still in an editable status.