P4 Warehouse Products Setup
Critical- If you plan to use multi-company or 3PL Clients these must be setup first.
Leaving a page at any time will not Update(save) changes made and will revert any changes back to previous Updated information.
The Products page features a listing of all the products available within the Warehouse Management System software. Columns appear for a Selection Check Box, Image, SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), UPC, Client, Description and Action. There are also four buttons at the top right: “New” (add a new product), “Upload” (add multiple new products from a file, such as a spreadsheet), “Print” (produce a paper copy of the product details) and “Refresh” (to update the list after any changes have been made). The Export All Data button is located just under the four buttons previously described, appearing as a black folder encircling a white X.
To add a new product to the WMS, simply select the “New” button to activate a pop-up menu with three options: Client (the client to which the product belongs), SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and Description. Complete each option and then select the “Submit” button.
The Product Page will then appear from which you can add more detailed information about the product. The UPC code can be entered at the top followed below by a list of attributes: Bill of Material, Lot Controlled, Serial Controlled, Expiry Controlled, Decimal Controlled and Packsize Controlled, each of which describe the numerous ways in which your product can be measured and grouped. Each attribute has a Check Box to the left from which you can simply choose to make that selection active.
Dimensional data has several important uses in the system, be sure you take the time to enter the data correctly.
To the right is a text option “Upload Image” which can be used to add a digital picture of the product from your computer and a “Dimensions” where you can choose Weight, Length, Width and Height to describe the physical dimensions of the product. Select the “Update” button at the top right to revise the product profile with any changes made. Select the “Refresh” button to display changes.
Last updated